India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025 Date (Registration) Online

India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025, India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025 Date (Registration) Online, India Best Dramebaaz, India Best Dramebaaz Registration Online, India Best Dramebaaz Audition Online, India Best Dramebaaz 2025 Audition date India Best Dramebaaz Audition – If you think that your kid is super in doing mimics or acting. Then brace yourself for India’s best dramebaaz Season 4 in 2025. India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 2025 audition and online enrolment are not yet begun but rather expected to begin in April 2025. So we advise all interested participants, those who looking for India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025 Registration. Please scroll down the page and get all the details & Information related to India’s Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025 Date.

India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025

 TV Show Name India Best Dramebaaz
Starting Date Expected on April
Telecast Channel ZEE TV
Registration / Audition available soon
Category TV Shows

About the Show – India’s Best Dramebaaz is a ZEE TV’s prominent Indian reality ability chase show who discovers kind from crosswise over India. Give them a stage to grandstand their acting ka keeda.

On the off chance that you imagine that your child has acting ability or expertise or simply love to do dramatization at that point bring your child for India’s Best Dramebaaz.

After the achievement of three seasons, ZEE TV is good to go for India’s Best Dramebaaz season 3. The audition is open for all the intrigued kids whose ages is between 5 to 14 years.

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Judges will pass judgment on the children based on their ability and the chosen competitors have totaled the assignments and difficulties given by judges. The children’s end from the show will be chosen by open casting a ballot and judges dependent on their exhibitions.

India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025

India’s Best Dramebaaz Winner List – 

  1. Season 1 (2013) the winner was Aditya Singhal.
  2. Season 2 (2015) the winner was Swasti Nitya.
  3. Season 3 (2018) the winner was DipaliBorkar

Judges of the show are – 

  1. Vivek Oberoi.
  2. Sajid Khan.

Qualification Criteria for India’s Best Dramebaaz 2025 Audition

  • The intrigued Participant ought to be inside the age bunch between 5 (five) years to 14 (fourteen) years
  • All the aspirant members ought to be either natives of India or NRI
  • Aspirant members ought to be therapeutically fit
  • Participants ought not to have any criminal convictions.
  • All the aspirant Participants should achieve the scene by 9 am.

You know very well India Best Dramebaaz is a popular show in India. Every year a thousand kids & participants will be given an audition and selected for the Show. If you want to take part in India’s Best Dramebaaz. Then you have to need to register first and then participate in the audition.

Registered India Best Dramebaaz Online – 

Here you get the important steps and ways to apply online Or register for the India Best Dramebaaz TV Show. You must first read carefully and apply for it.

  1. Search – India Best Dramebaaz Audition on Google.
  2. Then you have to click on the available link.
  3. After clicking the home page of the official website open it on your device.
  4. Then you have Clicked on the registration link.
  5. Submit the required details on it.
  6. Attached required Document & video.
  7. Click on the register or submit button.
  8. Last you have to get confirmation of registration and audition date.

If you are lucky, you will be selected as the top 10 contestants and get fame & money. We hope you have registered before the last date. If you have any queries related to India’s Best Dramebaaz Audition. You have to need to follow the comment section.

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106 thoughts on “India Best Dramebaaz Audition 2025 Date (Registration) Online”


      India Best Dramebaaz Acting Workshop in Nagpur2020 Date (Registration)
      Contact. 7020520314

  1. I am ayushi sharma I want to do acting in India best dramedaaz plz one chance to perform myself plz sir plz sir complete my dream I am 14 year old in 2019 plz sir I am try my best plz sir

  2. Sir I am 14 years old please give me one chance please if the audition date will be declared please inform me thank you

  3. SIR I do my best plz give me one chance that’s my dream to become a actor so give me one chance plz plz plz plz

    • Sir my son keshav is 12 years old and he want to give the audition of India s best dramebazz 4 please inform the date of delhi audition

  4. Sir my name is Akansha Pandey I am 10 years old and I want to give the audition of India s best dramebazz please take me in it.

    • I am 13 years old my name is Vanshika I want to know that how to give online auditions and when is the audition of 2021 year in Mumbai in Mumbai India’s best dramebaaz

  5. Hello i am vyapak saxena from kanpur and i like acting since i started watching this show and i want to participate it

  6. what is addition date. I love 💞 acting plz select me .acting is my life .plz tell me what is addition date .
    I don’t know what is my chacha ID .I have no mobile. I am 12 years old. my chacha mobile no. is 7827671984. my father no. is 9717965212. I live in Delhi. sir or mam plz contact me .I love you sir and mam.

    • Hello Sir/Ma’am,
      I am Kavya Bhatia from Uttrakhand. I am 12 years old, I love acting and I want to participate in this show.
      My contact no. is 7017133749

  7. sir what is addition date in Delhi. I am best actress. sir what is addition date. tell me all are waiting for audition date.

  8. Hello my name is laxmi Singh and I am 14 years old and I love acting. I really wanted to participate in this show. What is audition date in delhi

  9. Jyoti srivastava
    she is my 4 year child and she want to formances in India best dramebaaz ,Please Sir give her one chance to do my best. Her name is Ishu srivastava .
    Request you sir please give her chance.

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Jyoti srivastava
    she is my 4 year child and she want to formances in India best dramebaaz ,Please Sir give her one chance to do her best. Her name is Ishu srivastava .
    Request you sir please give her chance.

  11. My daughter she is really Dramebaaz. she is super Dramebaaz . she is much talented she is 6 years old. she DID dance , sings very well . she is too cute also . she is doing modelling also I am trying from last two years for my daughter this year when you conducting auditions for 2020 please do contact us

  12. Sir contact us on no 9719660842.sir please contact .sir my father and mother is not allowed me sir please it is my passion . Sir please talk to my parents. Sir please . Sir you is my favorite .

  13. Sir I and my sister sweekriti want to come in your show but sir our parents are not allowed to come in your show sir please talk to my parents contact on no.9719660842 it is my mother number.our chacha motivate us to do acting contact him on no.9758523235.

  14. Life all about hard woke me Manvi. My aim is to only explore my talent in different and interesting way. I am sure that you help me to do better acting

  15. I am Nishita raghuwanshi and i really interested in auditioning for the India’s best dramebazz please notify me on 9860488844 for any update

  16. My name is Suhani Singh 15 years old sir i want to perform on indias best dramebazz stage please help me sir .please sir

  17. Sir my name is Suhani Singh i am 14 years old sir i want only one chance to prov myself please sir help me my parents are not supporting me please help me sir please reply me sir .

  18. Hello sr my name is ayan khan and I am 12 years old I’m interested for India best dramebaaz any update so please contact me 6207363755

  19. Sir, my name is Garbita Das I’m 14 years old I want to be participate India Best Dramebaaz can I participate ?Contact this number if you have any information 7001412843

  20. Hi sir my name is PAVAN D PATEL and I am very much interested in acting and I want a chance to show my acting skills please give me an opportunity if any updates contact me

  21. hello sr my name is pavan and i m 14 years old and i m very much interested to come in India best dramebaaz
    and I want a chance to showcase my acting so if any updates pls contact me 8050025127

  22. Hlo sir
    My name is Ridham khurana. I m 9 yrs old
    I want to participate in. India’s best dramebaaz
    Pls tell me the date of audition

  23. Hi sir , my name is saimen.My age is 14. I wanna come on this show . And win India’s best dramebaaz title. I want a chance to prove myself and show my talent to everybody.

  24. Hi sir.My name is saimen jot Bhatti.I want to win the title of India’s best dramebaaz season 4.please give me a chance.i want to show my talent.

  25. Hi name is saimen jot bhatti. My age is 14. i wanna win the title of India’s best dramebaaz season 4.please give me a chance. I will give my 1000%.

  26. Hi .my name is Saimen age is 14. I want to be an bollywood and holywood actress and this platform can fulfill my dreams. I want to complete my mom’s dreams.if you give me a chance then i will do my 1000%.

  27. Hi I am prayag shedge from pune I am interested in India’s best dramebaaz I have to give a big surprise to my parents by giving Audition please please please please contact me for Audition

  28. Hi sir I am priya give me chance I can do best in tv serial too my age is 13 I want to start my career from India best dramebazz

  29. Hello sir/mam i really wanted to be selected on this i had tried once but i was rejected but i am trying again I wanted to try my career from india best dramebaaz and I am 13 years old sir i will try once again and sir please give me a chance. Phone number 6284157974, 9888449559

  30. Hello Sir mujhe ek gana gane ka mauka Den please sir 25 saal se practice kar raha hun.. Ek bar mouka de please Kafi form apply kiye pr kahi se reply nhi mila Sir


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